Woo Hoo! (as Mrs. Rice would say) We were certainly feeling the love all day in Room Eleven.

What a day for our kids. It truly was a wonderful Wednesday.

Jazlynn’s mom volunteered from beginning to end. We kept her very busy working in the morning with small groups reading “Sacagawea’s Journey” and another small group practicing place value during Math time. Thank you Ms. Gomez for managing so well and giving so much of your time.

Just as we began our day the phone rang and it was Jesse’s mom – she was calling from Staples to ask about our Tri-Write pencil supply request! She then went to every local store and bought what was available. Within the hour we had more Tri-Writes. Thank you for your generosity!

But that’s not all…

Even before school started, both Saphire’s mom and Christopher’s mom asked to help too! Saphire’s mom took a bunch of folders home, glued on the “Work In Progress” cover sheet, brought them back to our library, laminated them and by 2:30PM all had been trimmed neatly, ready for our use tomorrow. Again, thank you for donating your time to help us succeed.

Have something nice to say? Would you like to start a conversation?