Parents and Family Caregivers

We have been in school over a month now – can you believe it? Time is flying by and October arrives this weekend. Wow! 

If you haven’t done so already, please take a few minutes to read the school-wide discipline plan with your Room Eleven student. The agreement is printed in the front of your student’s planner and we ask you and your student sign the plan and return it to me as soon as possible. I have received several signed agreements and to those families, I say Thank You

It is important for families and students to have a complete understanding of our daily school expectations. This year we have implemented a Positive Behavior System. Everyday an expection is reviewed by Mrs. Rice during morning announcements and in our classroom via the lcd projector. The students are working toward these expections. Each week is a different theme. Here is a sample of what areas we have covered: listening skills, how and when to say thank you, being prepared for class, having your materials ready, etc. Ask your student what they know.

¸.·’★¸.·’★*·~-.¸-★Thursday’s Parent Volunteer★-,.-~*¸.·’★¸.·’★

We’ll be staying sharp for a while since Saphire’s mom popped in after school today! Mrs. S scooped up all our colored pencils, whisked them away to the staff workroom (where the heavy-duty electric pencil sharpener lives) and sharpened a boatload of pencils. Thank you very much! She promises to be back on Monday morning to prepare materials for our upcoming fun and colorful chain link synonym & antonym activity.

Don’t forget our Roadrunner Rally tomorrow morning and our first 2011-2012 Student of the Month assembly in the afternoon when we honor our classroom leaders along with last Spring’s STAR test super stars.