TAIKO PROJECT (traditional Japanese drumming)


Our Aesthetic Education Program began today. It truly is a privilege to have the McCallum Theater program at Adams Elementary. The partnering teachers this year are: Mrs. Brock (1st grade), Ms. Dreweatt (1st & 2nd grade), Mrs. Pearce (2nd grade), and myself. After lunch the students met Miss Karen, our visiting Teaching Artist. Lessons have been prepared to introduce the children to traditional Japanese drumming called “Taiko” pronounced ‘tie-ko’.

Our one hour session went very quickly. The children created & experimented with rhythms and a couple of groups performed for the class. We have a total of four sessions with Miss Karen; three sessions prior to the performance at the McCallum Theater and a concluding session the following week.

Here is a sneak peak: http://www.taikoproject.com