Antonym and Synonym Practice

A big thank you (again) to Saphire's mom who cut all the paper strips for both rooms eleven & twelve.

Declarative or Exclamatory? Please let our sentence detectives help you.

There are always more types of sentences to discover.

Stay tuned for Interrogatory (?) and Imperative.

Presenting: Two Paragraphs by Gersain

Damian’s first expository post!

                              My family and I go to Disneyland in the summer. When we got there we rented a room in a hotel. They had a pool and a hot tub too. We drove two hours to get to Disneyland. It was a long drive to get there. In the room we could look out the window and we saw Disneyland. The ride at Disneyland was scary and that ride was Splash Mountain. That is all we like to do in summer is going to Disneyland. So, we love Disneyland!

-•=»‡«=•-( Science Night Tuesday October 25th )-•=»‡«=•-

Mr. Jaffe will be selling our sweet home-baked items at Science Night, 5:30 to 7:00PM



Roadrunner Rally = Spirit Shirt!

I’ll be selling Otter Pops and See’s chocolate bars Friday afternoon after school.

Come & find me out by our Roadrunner front doors!


Funny Glasses + Musical Notation + New Tune


Can you name that note?

"soft and quiet"

The students are adding to their repertoire for the Winter Program. They have the French folk tune: Claire de Lune, and today’s introduction to the Jazz version of Jingle Bells!

Daydin’s first expository post!

                          How my family celebrates the special occasion of Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving my family gets together to eat. We have Thanksgiving at our house. We eat turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans. For dessert we have chocolate cake. We also go swimming it is very fun. We love Thanksgiving.

Big Shout Out for Jesse’s Mom & Saphire’s Mom

I can now stay more organized with the help of Saphire’s mom, Miss Sarah! She has donated her time and efforts to help me get my files in order. I always appreciate any help. We will stay clean & sharp thanks to Jesse’s mom! Ms. Maria dropped off a four pack of Lysol wipes along with several dozen Ticonderoga Tri-Write pencils for us. Now that we have a super strong pencil sharpener bought for us by our fabulous Parent Club, there’s nothing stopping us from becoming super writers! 


Gersain’s first expository post!

                  I love Easter because my mom, sister, cousins, and I put candy in the Easter eggs. My mom goes to the park two blocks away from our house and hides the eggs, and then we look for them. Another reason I like Easter is because my mom makes really good food. We often eat burritos or tacos. For dessert we have frozen yogurt.

                 Another holiday I like is Halloween. I like it because we wear costumes. Last year I was a ninja. I had two hundred thirty-six pieces of candy because we went to church for candy. I love holidays!