smart turkeys, eh?

The December Student, Parent, & Teacher Conferences

Yes, it is:

December 5th – 9th

Appointments Available Every Afternoon

Students are expected to attend conference.

If you signed up for a conference on Back to School Night, I was able to schedule you on your first day/time choice.

Some families still need to make an appointment. Look for the schedule matrix – it will be in your student’s backpack.

Happy Thanksgiving


Taking the time to be thankful for all the people you have in your life is a wonderful American tradition.  Thank you for sharing your children with me everyday. I hope all our Room Eleven families have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Our Indian Canyons Experience

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Click here for more information:

Our Room Eleven GATE Boys! An After School Art Project – Thanks Ms. Hunt & Artist Michael Hinkle

Today’s Music Class

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Just missed our neighbor, the gopher!

Tribal Ranger Raven Longbow Shares His Knowledge

Fresh & Easy School Fundraiser Night

Mr. Jaffe & I  just got home from our ‘volunteer shift’ helping out at our local Fresh & Easy down the street from school.  We were very happy to see so many Adams’ Families buying their groceries tonight. Remember to donate your Fresh & Easy receipts totalling over $20. Our school receives one dollar for every receipt we collect. Last year our school raised over $500! We had a table set up outside the store promoting our McCallum Aesthetic Education Program – Jim & I sold See’s Chocolate Bars to everyone who stopped by!

Peter Piper Picked a Peck of… Apples!

Thanks, Miss Sarah for thinking of us!