Looking ahead to January 2012

Our Adams Family of  McCallum Theatre Aesthetic Education Teachers  (Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Dreweatt, Mrs. Pearce and myself)  met today after school for an intensive planning session for our next unit of study “Tales of the Pacific Rim”.  First we introduced ourselves to our lovely Teaching Artist, Francesca Amari. Then we ‘put our heads together’ and created a  long list of engaging activities to enhance our learning experiences throughout the month.

The story teller artist, Brenda Wong Aoki will be entertaining our students on January 30th when we travel to back to the McCallum Theatre. Ms Aoki and her husband Mark Izo will capture everyone’s heart as they perform stories and music of people living between worlds.

For a sneak peak, click here:  http://www.aokizu.com

Music Class began in the MPR today at 9:00 A.M.

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Busy December Schedule for Room Eleven

  • Tomorrow’s Student of the Month Assembly

  • Minimum Day Schedule all next week

  • Book Fair in the Library

  • Student, Parent, & Teacher Conferences next week

  • Friday Night Live Student Canned Food Drive

  • Fundraiser Limo Ride

  • Holiday Music Program, Thursday December 15th

  • Winter Break starts after school on Friday, December 16th!

I’m probably missing something… hhmm? Let me know if I’ve forgotten anything.