Genavieve’s mom

Thank you for volunteering in our room this morning! See you again in two weeks. 🙂

Isabella playing “Hot Cross Buns” on Mr. O’s keyboard.



Independent Spirit!


Volunteering in Room Eleven

Two of our moms have spent time in our room. For me, I can’t think a better way to show your support for our community. If you can, come in, and give us some of your time and see how we are becoming serious, successful third graders. Guaranteed, your child will love you even more! A HUGE Thank You to Guillermo’s mom and Mailyn’s mom! We are better students because of their help.

Our class has shrunk from 36 to 30 friends this week. It is a wee bit sad to see them move over to room 17. Lucky for us, we have recess together every day! We will most likely see our six buddies during music class (yay!).

Reading Activities

Reading Comprehension Activities

1. Complete any questions at the end of the story.
2. Write two questions about the story. Answer the questions.
3. Write about the part you liked best and explain why.
4. Make a WANTED poster for a character in the story.
5. Create a bookmark about the story.
6. Make a diorama showing the setting and characters of the story or one scene you liked.
7. Compose a song or write a poem about the story.
8. Draw a map of the story’s setting. Include rivers, lakes, or where important events took place.
9. Create a game related to the story. Make up your own rules and game cards if needed. Teach others how to play the game.
10. Make finger puppets depicting the characters. Act out some, or all of the story.
11. Create a poster to advertise the story so people will want to read it.
12. Plan a meal for one of the characters of the story. Find or draw pictures of food that a character may like to eat. Glue the pictures to a paper plate.
13. Make up a newspaper with several stories in it about what the characters might do outside of the story.
14. Create one of the characters from the story and attach a speech bubble to it with what the character said (or may say).
15. If it is a play, organize others to act it out and tell the teacher about it.
16. Make up a recipe for some wild food your character might eat.
17. Make up your own parody of the story. Use the story, but make up different characters in a different setting.

100% club members for “Supermarket”


Great job everyone! You are motivating all of us.

GATE & High Achievers “Olympics”

September 25, 2012

Dear Parents,

Every year, we invite all GATE and high-achieving students at John Adams Elementary School to participate in our GATE Olympics Program. There are three medal categories for students:  six for a bronze medal, eight for a silver medal, and ten for a gold medal. An awards assembly and display of projects is held the first week of June, before the end of the school year. It is always interesting and enjoyable to see the work that the students have done to enhance their learning.

Please see attached list of project ideas. For example, if your child is doing a science fair project, participating in Math Field Day, and not receiving any behavior citations for the year, they already have three activities done. We look forward to hearing from you soon and helping guide your child with suggestions and ideas.

Thank you for your interest and support in your child’s learning.

Your Child’s Teacher,

Mrs. Christine Lunney Jaffe
Third Grade
Room Eleven

Ready for the next fun task!


John & Tommy helping out this morning!


We always need pencils sharpened. Plus it’s an easy way to earn a “Super You”.