Successful learners on task!


Being organized helps us stay on task in class.


Friends have their materials organized on their table.


Mr. O playing TWO recorders at the same time!


Pearson Online

Wow, after last night’s super BTSN, I think we’re all extra tired today, I know I am! But before I go to sleep I thought I’d take a peak at to see if any of our room eleven friends tried any activities. What did I find? Our first two friends, Lily and Demian took the leap and were successful with their efforts. Congratulations to you both.

I also figured out how to send you messages, add students (Aras & Adrian), and edit any names/misspellings (Damion, Thomas – instead of Samuel, etc). It’s all new to all of us, we’ll help each other, and learn together.

Welcome! Come on in…


Spelling 100% Club Members! Congratulations to Valeria & Mailyn.


Good listening this morning in our MPR. It’s FUNDRAISING time :-)


Huge Thank You to Mailyn’s Mom!

Ms. Frances, mom to our classmate Mailyn, has given us many hours of her time these past nine days of school! Ms. Frances is helping sort out all the payments for our music lessons, planners, and school forms for all our students. Thank you so much. You are making a difference 🙂

Back To School Night is this Tuesday at 5:30PM

Hope to see you all Tuesday evening. We will meet in the MPR first, where Mrs. Rice will speak for a few minutes, then come on over to Room Eleven! Don’t forget to have a look at our fun black and white flower pictures in the MPR and in our hallway.

I will discuss how 3rd graders get organized, (a top priority), classroom & homework expectations, music & art classes, fundraising needs and of course upcoming field trips. You will be able to schedule your December parent, student, teacher conference appointment.