Xina’s note.


Xina, your correct use of the word HYPOTHESIS is very impressive!

Devin’s note to me. I like your prediction!


Fun with Coach Brock!


A beautiful afternoon for physical education.

Here’s our Comprehension Passage for January 11th!

Rocky Beach

1      “There’s nothing to do,” Lisa complained. It was the third day that she was stuck on vacation with her family. They were staying in a small, dark cabin made entirely of wooden logs. There was no radio and no television, but even worse, all of her friends were miles away.
2      “It’s a beautiful day,” said Lisa’s dad. “I’m sure we can find something fun to do.”
3      “There’s nothing but trees, bugs, and more trees,” Lisa said.
4      “Why don’t we go to the lake today?” her dad suggested. A short walk from the cabin was a lake with an island in the middle. Lisa’s dad had pointed out the lake when they arrived, but it was dark, and she couldn’t see anything.
5      “Fine,” said Lisa, “but I promise I’m not going to have any fun.”
6      Lisa and her dad walked down a narrow gravel road and then along a small dirt path. The path stopped at a beach that curved around the edge of the lake.
7      The beach wasn’t like any beach that Lisa had ever seen. Instead of sand, it was all rocks of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Lisa was glad she was wearing sneakers. She walked carefully over the rocks as they shifted under her weight.
8      “Look, Dad!” she cried, bending to pick up a red, swirled rock. She held it in her palm and then bent down to pick up a flat, black rock.
9      Lisa’s dad followed her down to the rocks. He picked up a brown one and ran his thumb along its smooth outer edge.
10     “We can walk along the beach,” Lisa’s dad said, “and look for more rocks.” They walked along the edge of the water comparing rocks until it began to grow dark.
11     “Can we come back tomorrow?” Lisa asked as she scrambled up to the path, still gripping the red rock in her palm.

Over Winter Break practice your Sixty Second Sweep!


Impress your Family, Friends, and your Teacher (me!)!!

So proud to see evidence of higher level thinking in our community!
