7 Responses

  1. i miss you guys so much i wish i was still with you

    • Hi Lily!! We think of you often! You are a wonderful person and I’m sure you are doing well in your new home & at your school. I’m happy to see you visiting us on the blog; please say hello to your cool mom from me. Remember, you can always meet up with us right here, anytime 🙂 Love, Mrs. Jaffe

  2. do you have new students?

  3. Fernando was very good today!

    • That’s very good news. Thanks, Jose! I’m sorry I’m not in school with all of you, I am sick with a fever and a deep cough! I’ve taking a lot of naps, drinking hot tea with lemon & honey, and Jim is giving me yummy chicken soup. Say hello to everyone for me.

      • That’s sounds good mrs.jaffe my sister was using my email so she could talk too you whilei”m at cheerleading practice i hope you feel sick alot.

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