Our Place in Space!

Come visit outer space with us! See our Solar System Projects. Click on the links below.

Just about all of our solar system projects are complete.

If you don’t see your name listed here, you probably haven’t shared your work with me. (whoops!)

Some students are currently in the editing process and you can see their progress.

Please enjoy their AWESOME body of work via these clickable links: 

Theo’s Planet Neptune Project

Theo’s Second Planet Project, Mercury

Noah’s Planet Venus Project

Mellodie’s Planet Neptune Project

Mellodie’s Second Project, The Sun Star

Ruby’s Planet Earth Project

Andrew’s Sun Star Project

Andrew’s Second Planet Project, Mars

Emilio’s Planet Neptune Project

Itzel’s Planet Jupiter Project

Itzel’s Second Planet Project, Earth

Yazmin’s Planet Venus Project

Yvette’s Planet Neptune Project

Izabella’s Sun Star Project

Frankie’s Planet Earth Project

Matthew’s Planet Venus Project

Cristian’s Planet Neptune Project

Jonnie’s Planet Earth Project

Riley’s Planet Saturn Project

Riley’s Second Planet Project, Earth

Sean’s Planet Pluto Project

[these projects are listed in no particular order]


Digital Ambassadors from Room Eleven are teaching in Fourth Grade!

We sent six students up to Fourth Grade this morning to teach Ms. Smith’s class everything they wanted to know about Google Slides.

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