Terrific Tuesdays!

Science Experiment

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The water is icy cold without protection!

Native American Talking Sticks


What will you say when it is your turn?

Main Idea and Details with ice floes and penguins!




Wahoo! Our biggest 100% group yet!

Congratulations to all of you.FullSizeRender-95

Great California Shake-out

Prepping for earthquakes!

Planning our writing, exploring words describing character traits, emotions, and feelings.


Unit One Spelling Bee Champion 

Congratulations Enrique!  

  We’re off to our local library!

 Here we go…

    Ms. Sarah is an awesome librarian!


      But our moms are even MORE awesome!

Some of us received our first library card today.

This is an amazing start to your adventures in reading.

Remember what I always say: “My Education, My Future!


 Devyn learns how to check out his book with the computer system.

We’re so lucky to live in a beautiful community!

  The local topographical map feels good!


Our Terrific Tuesday’s have begun!

Our third grade family of teachers have begun to enrich our curriculum each week by focusing on social studies, art, and science. Every Tuesday students spend an hour with each of our teachers, finishing up in their ‘home room’. The sessions went very smoothly today, the students enjoyed visiting new environments and learning new things. We were very busy and forgot to take pictures!

Please look forward to photo documentation soon!