How to Leave a Comment

  1. Click on the Post Heading
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
  3. You will be required to leave a name(first name only)
  4. Write your email address in the Mailbox (this is required but will not be published)
  5. You can add a Website address if you wish, so we can also look and respond to your blog or Website.
  6. Finally, write your comment, check your work, and press Post Comment.
  7. Your comment WILL NOT appear straight away. It is sent to Mrs. Jaffe via email for checking first. If your comment is okay it will soon appear on the site.

How to write a good quality comment…

  1. Write your comment like a letter starting off with “Dear Room Eleven” or “Dear Mrs. Jaffe,”
  2. Compliment the writer in a specific way, ask a question, and/or add new information to the post.
  3. Write your comment about the post. There are often ideas at the bottom of the post about what you could comment about.
  4. Check your comment for correct spelling, spacing and punctuation before you submit it.
  5. Don’t reveal any personal information about yourself in your comment.
  6. Be nice!

68 Responses

  1. Dear Mrs. Jaffe’s class,
    It was such joy working with you on TaikoProject! I love the pictures!

    Warmest Wishes for the future leaders of the 21st century, Miss Karen

  2. Hey guys. Room 11 ROCKS! Not just because we are AWESOME, it’s also because we are going to Indian Canyons WOO HOO!I can’t wait. Well I have to go. Bye Bye Saphire

  3. Saphire is right you are AWESOME the canyons are AWESOME bye got to go LOVE,Isiah

    • Hi Isiah! Thanks for leaving a comment on our AWESOME blog. We are surrounded by incredible natural beauty and having the chance to spend the day outdoors together was very special. I hope you were able to remove all your splinters! See you on Monday. Love, Mrs. Jaffe

  4. That hiking trip was so cool. I want to go there all the time. I like it because we saw a few animals. I had the best time of my life!

    • Hi Andre! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I thought we all had a super time, even with some splinters. We are lucky to live in a valley ringed by such beautiful mountains. I’ve been hiking (on a trail in Palm Desert) three times since our class field trip. Love, Mrs. Jaffe

  5. Room 11 is really cool

  6. Don’t you just LOVE our blog? Love,Saphire

  7. Mrs.Jaffe you rock!

  8. Mrs.Jaffe I saw the lunar eclipse this morning and my cousins’ woke me up and the moon was bright red have to go love Meranda

  9. I can`t wait until Thr.

  10. My to Isiah I cant’ what until Thr.

  11. I agree with Isiah and Meranda. I can’t wait until Thursday! I just LOVE to play the recorder. It’s going to be my first Winter Program! Love,Saphire

  12. Happy Holidays to all my classroom and I hope you get all that you wish for. Remember that Christmas is about giving,and spending time with your family and mostly about “The Miracle”!!!!!!!!

  13. See you in 2012.

  14. Hey guys! Didn’t you just love our field trip to the Mcallum Theatre?Because I know I did. I also liked our field trip to the Palm Springs Art Museum. The art peices were fantastic! Well got to go. Bye Bye

  15. hello! :0)

  16. I saw the Venus transit.It’s really cool.

  17. The year has gone quickly.

  18. Room 11 is really fun:)

  19. I like Mrs.Jaffe show us cool things every day.

    • Sorry Mrs.Jaffe I meant to say that one of the reasons I like you as my teacher is that you are show us cool things everyday!

  20. The world is a pretty amazing place; we really don’t have to look very far to find nifty ideas, things, & events. We just need to stay aware of what is happening, read newspapers or news websites, learn about our history and remain curious.

  21. Hello room 11! It’s Saphire here. How is the beggining of the year going. Well got to go. Bye bye

  22. how is the new class mrs jaffe

  23. you got 1,000 visters mrs jaffe

  24. hope you were hear mrs.jaffe i miss you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. hi mrs.Jaffe

  26. i miss you so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Hi Mrs. Jaffe! Mya is doing great in 4th grade here in Las Vegas, she has all B’s and (1) A on her report card. She will be trying out for the play”The Tortoise and The Hare” in January. Take Care!

    Kim 🙂

    • Oh, that’s wonderful news! Please tell Mya congratulations; I am very proud of her. Thank you so much for staying in touch, it means a tremendous amount to me! Mya is a fantastic person and I know she will have great success in life. Lot’s of love to you all this holiday season, ox Chris

  28. Hey everybody how are you all?I miss being in your classroom!Well room eleven is heaven so I got to run!Bye bye.

  29. We all should tell our parents before using an email address.

  30. Is the green booklet homework?:)

    • Hi Jose!
      How are you doing? I had a few of those workbooks left over from a couple of years ago – I thought maybe some of our students would like to practice our math skills over the summer. I won’t be collecting them in September. Will you be signing up for the Library Program this week? Jim & I are in Florida since Friday night and so far we’ve had two thunderstorms! Very exciting 🙂 Say hello to your parents for me and I’ll see you again on the blog and in September!
      Mrs. Jaffe

  31. mrsjaffe is sunny there in fith

    • Isiah, I don’t know if Sonny will be at Adams for Fifth Grade as we are still on summer vacation. We begin school on September 3rd; I will look for him and tell him you said ‘hello’, okay?
      Mrs. Jaffe

      • thanks. My new school is really hard compared to the you are at. They give out a lot of homework, and in the computer lab we do projects and not play games, it is even harder for me because I am in the advanced class.

        • Isiah, I am happy to hear from you 🙂 I am also glad to know you’re in the advanced class, you’re so bright and capable, you can do anything you set your mind to. I think doing projects are a great way to learn how to think critically, problem solve, and be creative! Say hello to your mom and dad and be well. Love, Mrs. Jaffe

  32. hi there this is Mya’s mom Kim (from 2011 school year)..saying hello from Las Vegas! Mya says hi! 🙂 we hope you have a great school year this year!! bye

    • Hello there!!! What a wonderful surprise to hear from you both 🙂 Please give Mya a BIG, BIG hug from me! Hello from the East Coast – I’m in Virginia right now with my husband, Jim, visiting with one of my dearest friends and her family. We are having a lovely time. Is it Fifth grade this year for Miss Mya? Tell her I just heard from Isiah Dunlap – here on the blog! He moved in January, I think to Fontana, I’m not sure (maybe). I hope Mya has another EXCELLENT year in school – I’m sure she is blossoming into a beautiful, young lady.
      Much Love,
      Mrs. Jaffe

  33. hello mya how are u doing i hope u are having fun but stay safe it looks pretty fun in lv but i went there and i still have my backpack now i have a dikies bye

    luv xina

  34. Got a phone call from Mya’s new 5th grade teacher.. she said she is a joy to have in the class, I am so proud of her! Kim


  36. when are going to music class im dyeing to play the recorder thurs.

    • Hi Zina, Mr. O should be in school on Thursday (his regular day) and since you are in fourth grade now, you will get to play your instrument! You remember, over here in third grade, the first couple of lessons are without the recorder! See you tomorrow 🙂 Love, Mrs. Jaffe

  37. Hi Mrs.Jaffe,I look at blog every day when I hame time and sometimes I laugh.Thanks for that.hannah

  38. Sorry I ment have

  39. Hi Mrs.Jaffe I feel so much better I am taking meds now.I’ll go on Pearson later. Bye:)

  40. Great news! We are happy to know you’re feeling better!

  41. hi mrs.jaffe I haven’t been queen of the blog lately cuase I been practicen my math lately but I will try my best for 5th grade

  42. oh to how to leave a tip on this wonderful blog is to ask permission first about talking on the blog remember never ever put your last name that’s one of my tips on how to leave a comment p.s. never say badwords on the blog

  43. Thank you for all you do with our children!!!

  44. You’re very welcome.

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