Food for Thought: #26ActsofKindness



NBC News reporter, Ann Curry tweeted the following message last week:
#26actsofkindness to do one act of kindness in memory of each person from Sandy Hook Elementary


Dear Room Eleven Community Members,

Over our Winter Break please consider being kind, showing kindness to your family, friends, and neighbors. Remember to help others always.

Please write a short paragraph about each act of kindness you or your family performs. You may illustrate your Act of Kindness as well. As you write or draw, please do your very best effort; spell the words correctly, use proper subject-verb agreement, and helping (auxiliary) verbs too, if needed! Include plenty of details in your writing and in your illustrations.

When we return on January 7th, we will share our Kindness Acts with each other. We will publish our writing and pictures on our blog!


                                                                                          Exhale only Love,

                                                                                                           Mrs. Jaffe